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car: my first attempt at charting 11k! and im already making stuff i cant play :sob:
i tried making a funny thing that you have to pinky the arrow keys and index the 7k part at the chorus pretty funny i would say :yum:

初めて11kの作譜に挑戦してみた!そしてもうプレイできないもの作ちゃってる :sob:
さびでは矢印キーを小指で押して7kを人差し指で押すみたいな感じにしてみた、funnyですね :yum:

Blind Waltz

this chart was made by carlos and cirno together.
the idea was to each one make one side of the 23k without planning or speaking with eachother. cirno made the left side and carlos made the right side


car: amazing stuff!! :0 i was expecting it to end up with a lot more of overlapping of the sounds we decided to chart but somehow it ended up playable and kinda cool!?!?!?
:0 :fire::fire: the tennepathy strikes again :fire::fire: :0

素晴らしい!! :0 アイディアがもっと重なり合うんじゃないかて思っていたけど、なんかの軌跡で良い感じになちゃった!??!?!

cir: knowing what carlos can do, i tried to keep my section fairly simple to play, trying to account for how complex i thought his side would be



this chart was made by carlos and cirno together.
this chart was supposed to be the oposite of the Blind Waltz, so this time we planned in advance who would make what part; and there's a trans key gimmick

今度はBlind Waltzの逆のコンセプトで誰がどの部分を作るのかを決めてから作譜されました;それとtrans key的なギミックもあります

cir: 💥

car: we planned this since the announcement of the event and suddenly we're only 3 days away from the deadline and havent finished yet ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
in the end we didnt plan how difficult the thing would be and it might have ended even harder and weirder than the Blind Waltz imo :0

多鍵祭が発表されてから計画していたのに急に締め切り三日前になっててまだ終わってないハ ハ ハ ハ ハ ハ ハ ハ ハ
どれほど難しく作るのかを決めなくて最終的にBlind Waltzより難しくて変になったんじゃないかって思いました :0